Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Just one hour


Ok two hours the first hour… the iris garden dead heading they are still stunning ! And the one hour in the sewing room….that’s all it took to machine quilt all the blocks.  That wonderful feeling of accomplishing something! Hubby has been gone fishing and I haven’t checked many things off my list, so far it has just been the little details of life “don’t forget to do this” “make that appointment” etc. no real accomplishments until my one hour in the sewing room.  Tomorrow I will stitch the borders and the binding. That one hour in the sewing room was like pushing the ‘reset’ in my head. What can you get done in an hour?  —Ann—


  1. It's amazing how much we can accomplish in a short amount of time sometimes. Love this quilt! And the Iris!!

  2. love that colorful and wow!

  3. Yes, dedicated time spent on a specific task can make a WORLD of difference and yield HUGE results. Your Iris are stunning and the quilting on your lovely Kaleidoscope top is perfect! Well done, Ann!


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