Thursday, September 12, 2024

Do overs

This post is old news.........I have been working on this sweater off and on all summer. I finished the first sleeve a few days ago then on to the second……everything was going smoothly I was on a roll a veritable knitting machine until I laid the second sleeve on top of the first, it was a few rows short. Do I knit a few extra rows to even them up, no, I tried it on, the second sleeve was tighter than the first.  Thinking back I could feel the caffeine in my fingers the day I knit 12 of the 4 row decrease repeats. So I ripped back and started over, I was knitting noticeably looser like I drank 2 glasses of wine but I didn’t then I noticed a mistake so I needed to rip a few rows. I laid sleeve 2 on top of sleeve one again to compare, without the needles in the sleeve the comparison was more accurate. Sleeve two was over an inch wider then sleeve one! Rip again and put my big girl panties on and do it right this time.  Knit firm but not tight. Well I ripped two more times—those do overs only involved a few knitted rows but still picking up 98 stitches but for someone who is numerically challenged…….I think I’ve got it now.  The yarn is a fingering Wool Addicts by Lang called Footprints it is 45% cotton, 42% wool and 13% nylon. It says superwash but my swatch shrank some. The pattern is Autumn Square by Hinterm Stein.  It has a little design detail, a square knit into the center of the garter stitch section in the upper bodice but each time I have gotten carried away with the simplicity of just knitting back and forth and missed the cue for starting the stockinette stitch for the square.  I like it without the square on my chest. Can't wait for cooler days to wear it. I did wear this sweater several days in Ireland.  --Ann--

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