Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Color challenge finish

This quilt was inspired by the  May Color palette challenge by Vicki. My fabrics are muted compared to Vicki's inspiration. I think mine looks like a summer salad with tomatoes and lettuce and carrots. It is just tri rec stars with nine patches and a double nine patch in the alternating blocks. I free motion quilted it using a varigated  thread. I mostly swung an arc from point to point with some loops. I used a bamboo quilt bat, it quilted really nice, its heavier than the cotton batting I usually use. It was cozy to sit under while I sewed the binding by hand. 95 outside but Hubby had the ac blasting. Ready for cooler days.  --Ann--

1 comment:

  1. Love it! Great pattern and colors. Is it double bed size?


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