Monday, August 27, 2012

Design Wall Monday

Design wall photo op. I sold this quilt on etsy and just wanted to be sure I had photos of it since all were lost when my hard drive crashed last spring. The block is called northwind but it is also called corn and beans, because I chose cool blues I call the quilt Northwind. I used 6" x 18" strips of fabrics from bales that I purchased at quilt guild several years ago, it was a fundraiser through a company called Merryvale, they would buy a complete line of fabrics and quilt guilds could order packages of 6 inch squares or 6" x 18" bales of the collections, there was a new collection each month and the guild got a portion of the cost. I sorted out the blues, purples, greens, pinks and a few greens and yellows from my many bales. I paired them then cut the large triangles and smaller triangles, each pair made 2 blocks with a few HST leftover for the borders, I did have to cut a couple strips just for the borders. To make order out of the chaos I grouped the colors together which created a very pleasing movement of light and dark across the quilt. So I say good bye to this quilt as I ship it to its new home. --Ann--  Check and see what everyone else is doing at Patchwork Times.


  1. That is beautiful!! I think this in one of my favourite quilt patterns to see and do. It is so different, depending on the fabrics used.

  2. Happy dancing here for your finish and sale....

    It is a gorgeous quilt... Great choice of colors and placement.

  3. I love the colors - and congrats to the sale!

  4. Wow! Love the play of color across the quilt. Very pretty!

  5. I have lots of the squares from years ago. I wonder where they are. Yours look great.

  6. Very nice! I like your color arrangement. Do you do your own quilting on a machine? Your buyer is going to be very pleased.

  7. An image of your beautiful quilt came up on Pinterest for me this morning. I’ve been blindly making blue half square triangles for a couple of weeks as I find it therapeutic (whilst we are in our 3rd lockdown, and overseeing homeschooling again here in the UK). But other colours will keep creeping in to invade my blues and I’d lost my direction. This has been really inspirational, shown me how I can embrace those straying colours and perhaps even sew some blocks together today! Thank you!


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