Friday, August 31, 2012

On the Needles

I didn't think I would make enough progress on these socks to post anything today but I finished the first heel turn!!!!! and it was easy!!!!! Need to do some work in the garden while it is still cool this morning then my reward will be to do the other heel this afternoon when it gets hot out. But first a quick peek at what everyone is knitting at Patchwork Times.  ~~Ann~~


  1. 1 heel run is real progress, 2 will have you racing to the toes. :)
    LOVE your coil basket!!!

  2. What a fun yarn basket! I love the color of the socks. Happy knitting!

  3. Love the color of your socks! Your basket is beautiful, too. I had not thought about making one for my yarn.. I have everything I need and have made smaller ones. Add that to the list of "want to" projects!

  4. Lovely basket & socks. The first time i turned a heel, i felt like magic had just come from my hands. Sculpting with yarn!
    Great colors. Looking forward to next week's post!

  5. Hi Ann, thanks for dropping by my blog and leaving a comment!

    I, too, love your coil basket. I haven't tried any because I need another project like I need a hole in my head, but yours just might might make me try one!! :-) I especially like your binding.


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