Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Turtle Pond Quilt

 This was an unfinished project for a very long time. Sewing the quilt top was easy, the curved piecing takes less time than sewing a nine patch. But after it was done it sat for a long time as in a couple years because I knew the quilting would enhance it or ruin it. I took a machine quilting class and bought lots more books and it still sat. I finally traced around one of the turtles and photo copied the turtle onto a couple dozen sheets of paper and got busy with my pen and just drew and drew turtle shell designs. Then I picked out the most "do"able and free motion machine quilted to my hearts content. No two turtles are alike in either fabric or quilting.  The fabrics used in this quilt are also from Merryvale bales of 6" x 18" strips of fabric from several collections. I machine quilt on my Bernina Artista 170.
Have enjoyed this forum and am learning lots from Leah's blog.  I also recently sold this quilt on etsy. two quilts in two weeks I'm on a roll so better do some sewing today. Happy quilting--Ann--


  1. What a cute quilt and great quilting!

  2. You did a great job on the quilting and the turtle pattern is adorable! You have motivated me to trace my H puzzle pattern and to start thinking of ways to quilt them!

  3. I love your turtle quilt and how you used a different quilt design for each one. Very creative and original. I am going to try the drawing a design on a quilt. I am learning so much from everyone on Leah's FMQ blog.

  4. Love the turtles and your quilting looks great!

  5. Adorable quilt. Love the quilting.

    Where in central South Dakota? I'm originally from Eastern SD and used to own the quilt shop Olive's Mercantile.

  6. Wonderful quilting and congrats on the sale!

  7. I'm quite impressed with all that quilting. And sold too! Congrats.

  8. Great great Design and beautiful quilting!

  9. You have inspired me to open an Etsy shop. I have sold some quilts from my blog but had not considered Etsy. Thanks!

  10. Your turtles are terrific; and your quilting is just great, I love all the different shell patterns... I understand that fear-induced quilting paralysis, I would definitely say that you have found the cure. Well done and congratulations on the sale, way to go!

  11. Very nicely done! I love that each turtle has its own "identity", with both fabric and quilting. Well done!


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