Friday, September 7, 2012

on the needles

My daughter was home for the weekend, the guys were off fishing so we watched movies without interruption. I started a new pair of mittens knitting mittens when it is 95 outside. I wanted to knit larger stitches so I could watch the movies. We watched The Help,  We Bought a Zoo,  Larry Crowne, and  Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close and Dirty Dancing again. We didn't eat a lot of junk good for us. Son's dog gave us a few really good laughs. When the wind went down Sunday night we had a fire in the chimniria and watched the moon rise and the stars come out and not a marshmallow in the house so we just had a piece of chocolate. Enjoying our mother daughter time.
The socks are getting longer and they fit so nice. Link to on the needles at Patchwork Times. --Ann--


  1. Sounds like a perfect weekend! Love your movie choices...can we ever get enough Dirty Dancing?? :) Still love that movie! A couple of those I haven't seen yet, have to put them on my list.

    Your socks are fabulous and they fit you perfectly. Love the itty bitty mittens!

  2. I don't knit and am so fascinated by all the incredible hand knitted creations of those who do! Well done. I saw "We Bought A Zoo" this past spring on the airplane and loved it! Mom and daughter time is the BEST!

  3. YOur socks are looking great. What a wonderful movie list.

  4. I love the little green booties with the afterthought heel. Love your movie list too.


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