Friday, October 26, 2012

On the Needles

 On the needles, a stocking cap for daughter. She chose this handpainted wool for mittens to go with her winter jacket. We decided at $26.00 per skein we would get a contrasting yarn for a cap and the cap yarn is 51% wool and 49% acrylic so it won't make her ears itch. The cap is done and in the mail, she needed a mid semester pick me up so it is on the way. I'll send the mittens when they are done or may wait til she comes home for Thanksgiving depending on the weather.
 Her stocking cap was so quick to knit I bought more of the same yarn for a cap for me.
 Also on the the needles a pair of toe up socks, two more rows and count the stitches then I can turn the heel. I love the 40 inch loop with the bamboo kneedles needles, I did it again put a k in front of needles for knitting and some times my brain is saying knittles for knitting . knitting needles knitting mittens knitting needles knitting mittens knitting needle knitting mittens its more of a typing finger twister than a tongue twister. See what everyone else is knitting at Judy's  ~~ Ann~~


  1. Love the hat- it will be a nice warm hug for your daughter!

  2. That's a very cute hat! It looks like you're using the same stitch pattern on the socks? Could you share it?

  3. Love the hat and your yarns colors. Your socks are looking great!

  4. Where did you get your hat pattern? It looks great.

  5. Very cute hat. Pretty colors too. The jeweltone yarn is my favorite color for knitting scarves too. Nice job.


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