Friday, October 26, 2012

Quilter's Blog Fest

 My Pumpkin Pie quilt. I made this star quilt in a class. I had made star quilts before but with plenty of problems. In this class we sewed the strips then cut the diamond strips to sew into large diamonds then we drew a grid based on the measurements of the small diamonds then pinned each of the 8 diamonds to the grid and starched and pressed. They went together perfect!
 I found a fabric with fall motifs for the setting squares I had to add a border to each so they would fit the diamonds then set more diamonds around the squares to make the pie crust. Already planning my Thanksgiving menu the kids will all be home. --Ann-- Blogger's Quilt Fest
Quilt stats
38 inches square
free motion quilted on my Bernina Artista quilters edition
wall hanging table cover 
Amy's Creative Side


  1. This is a wonderful fun fall quilt! Love is so fresh and unique. Well done!

  2. I entered a Lone Star quilt also. I like your table quilt. The fall motifs are sew adorable.

  3. Your quilt is lovely. I really like the way you used the fall motifs.
    Great work.

  4. Great quilt and I have to admit to having a Lone Star on my "to do" list. Take care.

  5. Ann, I love your fall quilt. I made a quilt years ago with alot of points and it was a pain. Your technique sounds super. Thanks for sharing your quilt with us!

  6. WOW! I love this quilt! you have really elevated the Lone Star to another level of fabulous!

  7. Ann ... Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a kind comment.

    Your quilt is beautiful. Fall quilts are my favorites as I love the colors of fall. One of my WIPs is a lonestar quilt. Sew tricky. The extra border for your setting squares makes the perfect "crust" to your "pie" ... makes a yummy looking quilt ... :) Pat

  8. What a great quilt. How talented you are!

  9. It is perfect for Fall! The motifs around the star are so cute! Lovely quilt!

  10. Great quilt. The pie crust outer edge is really impressive. Looks like it was a lot of work, but well worth it.

  11. This is lovely - great fabrics and images too. Thanks for sharing. #263

  12. This is a great fall quilt. One of these stars is on my bucket list, so I'll have to remember the grid and starching tips.

  13. really wonderful !
    love the motifs in the corners !
    Great idea

  14. Great piecing! Your points are perfect!

  15. This is a wonderful quilt. I like everything about it, the colors the piecing the fall motif blocks and the border. Great job!

  16. Love fall colored quilts, this is no exception! Just great!!

  17. This is a fun fall quilt!! Thanks for sharing.

  18. Wonderful Thanksgiving quilt, and beautifully quilted. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  19. What a perfect fall/Thanksgiving quilt. Love those Sandy Gervais fabrics -great choice.

    Come see my Batik Tulips #46
    and my antique zigzag-a-licious quilt #23


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