Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Books and Log Cabin


Thirty blocks and 3 inch borders. It will be a great quilt to curl up under and read. My reading list since a while ago............. I have obviously been on a Debbie Macomber kick and all the drama in Cedar Cove. Its been fun. Last night I finished The Blue Virgin by Tracy Chevalier. It is about an American woman searching for her French roots,  the story goes back and forth between present day and her 16th century ancestors.  Religion, midwifery and art are all part of the story.
The sun is shining today!!!! and not a cloud in any direction! It has been a long time since we have had a sunny day here, now if it would just warm up and melt the snow!!!
  1. A Lady Cyclist Guide to Kashgar by Suzanne Johnson
  2. Quilt as you Go by Arlene Sachitano
  3. The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown
  4. Things I Learned from Knitting  by Stephanie Pearl McPhee
  5. Free Range Knitters by Stephanie Pearl McPhee
  6. 16 Lighthouse Road by Debbie Macomber
  7. Knit Together by Debbie Macomber
  8. Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford for book club
  9. 204 Rosewood Lane by Debbie Macomber
  10. God's Guest List by Debbie Macomber
  11. Patterns of Grace by Debbie Macomber
  12. What the Dog Saw by Malcolm Gladwell
  13. Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell
  14. Five Quarters of the Orange by Joanne Harris for book club This is a story about growing up in France during the German occupation during WWII. Joanne Harris also wrote Chocolat
  15. 311 Pelican Court by Debbie Macomber
  16. The Time Keeper by Mitch Albom 
  17. 44 Cranberry Point by Debbie Macomber
  18. 50 Harbor Street by Debbie Macomber
  19. 6 Rainer Drive by Debbie Macomber
  20. 74 Seaside Avenue by Debbie Macomber
  21. The Blue Virgin by Tracy Chevalier

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