Monday, April 22, 2013

design wall Monday

Half the blocks are done! Scrappy Log cabin inspired by Kim Deihl's quilt in March/April 2013  issue of F&P LOQ magazine. I sewed them as log cabin blocks with quarter turns for each strip. Kim sewed them as courthouse steps by sewing strips on opposite sides.  I'm making mine 5 blocks by 6 blocks with a narrow border. No new fabrics were purchased for the making of the blocks. Scrap Happy and linking to Patchworktimes see what else is on the design wall. --Ann--


  1. What a great idea to surround your 9-patch with log cabin strips! It is going to be a stunning quilt!

  2. Neat quilt! In the thumbnail, the white portion of the 9patches looked like an X.

  3. I like this idea! I may have to try this.

  4. The light 9 patches in the center of the blocks gives the top great sparkle!

  5. This looks like such an old fashioned quilt, one that one would have snuggled under as a kid. Love it.


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