Friday, April 19, 2013

on and off the needles

I finished the top socks and sent them to daughter for her birthday on Tuesday.  The year she was born we had few hot days in April, in the 90's, schools let out early because it was so hot. This year we still have snow on the ground and keep getting more. She can still wear them this spring!  No flip flops in sight here.
The green and red are a hand dyed pooling yarn, sorry I don't have a pic of the yarn before I wound it into a ball in the store back in January. I'm knitting from both ends of  the ball and the color is surprisingly different. Knitting is such a wonderful way to unwind after the stressful and emotional days of the past weeks. ~~Ann~~ linking to Judy's  on the needles


  1. Both pair are gorgeous. Knitting is good calming therapy for me--most of the time. ;)

  2. Both of your yarns are great.

  3. That first pair of socks sings to me-such vibrant colors-they should massage the feet!

  4. Nice! Love both of them and their lovely colors. Good job on the pooling!


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