Friday, August 30, 2013

On the needles

 I have made progress on my sweater after ripping it twice, just like little bear the first was too big, the second was too small and this one is just right. I should be able to wear it when the air turns crisp.
 I have spent more time quilting than knitting the past couple weeks,  the camouflage yarn is striping diagonally rather than narrow bands of color as in the first too big pair of socks these have 33 stitches on each needle the first try had 36. Amazing what a difference 6 stitches makes in the way the color stripes or pools. Trekking yarn socks are ready to turn the heel but I think they will wait until I am wearing the sweater to finished the socks. When I turn the heel I usually keep at it until I  finish that part. Another hot day here.--Ann--check out what's on the needles at Judy's


  1. Your sweater looks like it will be nice and comfy. Love the pooling on the brown socks.

  2. I really do love that sweater!!! It's a nice pattern, and of course the color is gorgeous :*) Your fun socks remind me that I need to start a new pair soon!

  3. The pattern is Split neck T shirt for Women by knitting pure and simple from Patternfish and the yarn is CotLin cotton/linen blend from Knit Picks

  4. Great socks! Love the sweater, too, especially the color.


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