Monday, October 14, 2013

Design wall Monday

 Design wall on the floor this week and it works almost as good as the wall for a small quilt.  I was doing so good on using only fabrics mostly scraps from my stash for this until I went to a fairly big quilt shop in a small town and this cowboy fabric kept calling to me for this baby boy quilt, after all the grampa is a real cowboy.

 I just sewed and flipped log cabin style until the blocks were big enough to trim to 12 1/2 inches then sewed them together side by side. The quilt will be 48 x 60 a nice size for a little boy to drive is tractors to make hay and round up the cattle then doze off to sleep. And Daddy and Grampa can tell stories about the heavy rains and early snow the fall of '13. I can hear the legends growing already.
I have made a little progress on my winding ways. Maybe there will be a tutorial later in the week as I am finally getting a system to keep things in order. It's a good day to sew and be inspired by Judy's  design wall Monday.  --Ann--


  1. What fun log cabins. I did something similar for my boys, but yours eclipse mine!
    The winding ways quilt is lovely, I am trying to persuade myself that I can make one so I will keep an eye out for the tutorial.

  2. That little boy's quilt with the tractors and the cowboys is fabulous! He'll love growing up with that one. I like that it is bright and colourful for a baby and toddler, but will also be good for him as he gets older.

  3. Great use of the farm equipment fabric!


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