Monday, November 4, 2013

Design wall Monday

I have made some progress on my winding ways the top 6 rows are sewn together in to rows of 3 blocks, I will sew the next quarter when I have the next 4 rows of blocks sewn together, the goal is to do 6 a day this week. I have also been sorting through boxes from my parents house and they all seem to land in my sewing room.
Here is a pillow my grandmother made in the 1960's in sorting through stuff I found a clipping from the newspaper with a photo of her and all the things she was showing at the county fair that year
 so I know for a fact that she did stitch the pillow and now I have written on the back for future generations.  --Ann--
Linking to Judy's Design Wall Monday


  1. Your Winding Ways quilt is looking gorgeous! I just read through your tutorial--you may have inspired me to give this pattern a try.

  2. I am currently stitching together a few Winding Ways blocks too! I love yours. That little X-stitch pillow is a treasure!

  3. How lovely! It was next to impossible for most of us to find fabric for counted thread embroidery back then!


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