Friday, November 8, 2013

On the Needles

It worked!! to insert a "life"line into these socks and unravel, I counted rows of ten with buttons in case I got distracted.
I have knit about an inch with an increase every 3rd row but I think I will wait until he can try them on again so I don't have to re rip. What a difference a flash makes in the color of the yarn, top photo is without a flash and color is more true to life.

My sweater was still damp from blocking in last weeks photo, I'll model it for you this week.  Set the camera on the fireplace mantle, set the self timer and the burst mode and play to the camera...........

Happy Knitting--Ann-- and stop by Judy's On The Needles to see what everyone else is knitting.


  1. I have never tried toe up two at a time socks. I am going to have to try this. Love the sweater.

  2. I've never tried to insert a lifeline, but I will be learning how soon. I've seen several bloggers post about how much it comes in handy :*) Your sweater is beautiful!!! And you look wonderful wearing it. Isn't it amazing how good we feel wearing something we love?

  3. Your socks looks warm and love your sweater too. I've never used a lifeline--wouldn't even know how to put one in, but if I keep learning how to knit more complicated patterns than dishcloths, I will need one!

  4. love the socks but your sweater is awesome.

  5. Great sweater! Life lines have saved mine, more than once. LOL


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