Friday, December 27, 2013

On the needles

 Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. I think those receiving hand knit gifts were pleased. My brother liked the gray Lovikka (click) mittens and oldest son really liked the  felted clogs (same click) and they were the perfect size. Second son tried them on and liked the fit better than the slippers I knit him last year (click) so yarn has been ordered for birthday clogs for him. And hope sister-in-law like the blue green socks, (click) brother says her feet are always cold.
I have made a little progress on these socks and darling hubby gave me some beautiful yarn for more socks and reading mitts and a needle case for all my needles.
linking to Judy's on the needles.


  1. Your family sure benefitted from your work during 2013. I like your new socks and gift yarn. I like the holes in the green/blue/yellow socks. What pattern is that? Thanks.

  2. Love your new yarn, and the wonderful projects you are knitting!

  3. Sounds like you were a bit hit with all your knitted gifting this year. Can I be part of your family??
    Love the new yarns and here's to lots of knitted things in 2014.

  4. I'm glad your knitted gifts were so well received. Your new yarn is gorgeous. Happy knitting in 2014!!


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