Monday, January 6, 2014

Design Wall

 Still no change to my design wall, if you look close at the edge of the photo you can see winding ways behind.  I've been putting Christmas decorations away and pulled my winter quilt out of the cupboard and the best light was on the design wall........I think I made it in 1995.

  The large snowman block started as a 4-H project for second son the 4-H leader thought all kids should know the basics of sewing second son was to use a running stitch to attach the snowman to the background and sew on the buttons. He didn't have much interest so it became a part of my quilt. I think he did 10 stitches on the right side. he was only 8 or 9 at the time.

Hubby and kids each chose a favorite fabric and I traced their hands and appliqued them.

 My evergreens are bowing to the wind. Notice there are snowballs and snowflakes in the cornerstones.  This is a trip down memory lane with all the fabrics I used.... first quilts, a blouse for  me, a skirt for daughter, and lots more quilts.

Oldest son finished his 4-H project way back when he had fun with the embellishments.
Next week there will be something new on the design wall. Check out all the new projects at Judy's Design Wall Monday. and stay warm--Ann--


  1. Your design wall quilt is so cute. I don't mind seeing it again. I don't have a Christmas/winter quilt yet.

  2. Your winter quilt is adorable with all of the different scenes and wintery things. Love the story behind the snowman and mittens. Nicely done!

  3. Oh wow! I love this quilt. All the personal details make it so special. It's beautiful.


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