Friday, January 3, 2014

On and off the needles

 First finish actually last finish for 2013 I finished them New Years Eve.
I'm working on the gusset of the basket weave socks for favorite brother, his birthday is coming up soon. Oldest son was wearing the socks I knit for him last year so I started another pair for him. Oh oh oh and a box of yarn arrived today for slippers for second son. I'm ready to be snowed in for the duration of the winter. Hope you are staying warm in woolens and linking to Judy's On the Needles.--Ann--


  1. Love the basket weave socks. Wonderful.

  2. Love the basket weave socks. Wonderful.

  3. Getting snowed in with lots of yarn and knitting projects doesn't sound so bad. All of your socks are wonderful! I like the striping on the first and the basket weave socks will be very nice.

  4. Always nice to have your hand knit gifts WORN! I like the variagation on your finished socks - keeps things interesting, but I also like to work in a solid color yarn so my pattern shows through (like your basketweave socks). Cheers! Evelyn

  5. Love, love, love your New Year's Eve socks. The colors are beautiful. And the socks for your brother are lovely, too. If it wasn't for the cold, I'd wish to be snowed in for winter, too! Just think of all we could accomplish! Happy knitting!

  6. Your combination of yarns and patterns makes really nice socks!

  7. The socks are beautiful. I think I would like to try two at a time toe up.

  8. Love your finished New Year's Eve socks. Colors are great. Also like the look of your basketweave ones too. I am working my way to making socks. Keep your fingers crossed that this year I will have learned to make socks. Your yarns are just lovely.

  9. Your socks are very lovely. His feet will be warm and snuggly with that weave!


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