Friday, March 7, 2014

On and off the needles

I started my sweater last weekend when it was too cold to do anything else. I practiced the cable on my gauge swatch and had questions as to where the yarn was supposed to go when I moved 3 stitches to the cable needle and held them in back. Does the yarn go behind the cable needle? in front? between? I looked in a magazine featuring cable patterns......didn't answer my question. I looked in my Vogue knitting book...... didn't have the answer. I looked at youtube videos. My question was never addressed, finally I came across one that the photography was clear enough that I could see where the knitter was holding the yarn. When the cable stitches go to the back the working yarn is in front of the cable needle and behind the next 3 stitches to be knit. If I keep at it I might be able to wear this before the spring thaw.
 Some finishes: top reading mitts were a gift, the recipient told me she wore them to bed that night.  The yarn I used for the variegated mitts is too heavy for the stitch pattern they are bulky to wear but they are pretty and warm. And another pair of footies I used the twin stitch also called the shadow stitch instead of wrap and turns. Much easier, you insert the needle into the back of the stitch in the previous row and pull the yarn up and onto the needle then turn and purl back. You  treat the two stitches as one when you come back. Much easier than lifting the wrapped stitch over. Find it by entering twin stitch short rows in the youtube search window.
A few more rows of ribbing and these will be done. I have another skein of this yarn so I can make 2 more pairs of socks or maybe reading mitts. Maybe I can find a stitch pattern that makes the color more interesting. Staying warm in hand knits. Check out what is On the Needles at Judy's. --Ann--


  1. Lovely knitting! Your sweater will be gorgeous!

  2. Great progress on your sweater... Any chance you could share the pattern info?

  3. Isn't the internet wonderful? You need to learn something, just search and there it is.
    This sweater is gorgeous. Can't wait to see more.
    Such a colorful week of projects.

  4. LOVE your sweater... the color, the pattern, everything! And your fingerless mitts and footies look great! You have been very busy!

  5. That's a really pretty sweater pattern, Ann. Love the yarn also; what is it? It has such nice stitch definition. Love all the projects, too, and those socks look great! Pretty yarn and nice pattern!

  6. Wow! Your sweater is going to be gorgeous! And I love your other projects, too. I've never thought about making those mitts for reading on cold nights before. Hmmm... :-)

  7. Beautiful knitted works-of-heart from you; I am always mystified and in awe of beautiful hand-knitting. You do such splendid work! The amethyst color of the sweater on top is absolutely wonderful!


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