Monday, March 10, 2014

Design Wall Monday

I was in search of a design for a baby quilt and was leafing through this book by Sara Nephew and found a bright fun quilt.
Decades ago when my daughter was very small I would let her pick out a couple fat quarters whenever she was fabric shopping with me. Her stash became known as the Erin colors click to see the series of Erin quilts. Anyway since she is all grown up and on her own I called her and asked if she had any objections to me using her stash of bright fabrics for this quilt. She said "what fabrics?!!?" So I am free to use them and I'm sure I will barely put a dent in the stack.
The directions are very clear in this book just go slow and pay attention to how the log cabin grows around the starting piece. I did figure out that I could cut the pieces for the B blocks by layering strips right sides together I could cut B and B reversed at the same time.  But I'm only sewing one stack at a time to keep everything in order.

And so many fabrics to choose from! I sorted them into a pile of lights and darks. My goal for the year is to only buy fabric if I need it to finish a quilt. Our snow is almost gone but now everything is a dirty brown so these colors are extra fun to play with. Linking to PatchworkTimes and be inspired. --Ann--


  1. Oh how fun!! Love this baby quilt! I am going to have to look for that book and make one, too. Your daughter picked some great fabrics!

  2. That is a great looking baby quilt to work on and you seem to be getting on really well with it. I am in awe - I could never do anything like that, but I admire those who do! xCathy

  3. Love that star and the colors you chose to do it in! It looks difficult. Some baby's going to love it! Lucky babe.

  4. Wow, what an amazing baby quilt - the star looks great in your daughter's fabrics :-)


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