Friday, September 12, 2014

On and off the needles

 I did some serious knitting this week. See my face froze in its serious look. The sleeves of this sweater finally were finished. I say finally because I kept cutting my yarn to keep my stripes about the same as the body of the sweater. I am very pleased with the way it fits and feels.
My guys were fishing for the week so I had son's dog. The nice days we sat outside with coffee, I knit she played with her soccer ball. I even have tan lines on my feet. Then we had 3 days of cold and rain. I put on my wool sweater and socks rather than turn on the furnace and knit some more.
The sunlight does wonders for the color of the trekking yarn I'm almost ready to start the gusset.
 I knit the Age of Brass and Steam kerchief larger with 2 strands of Regia lace. That knit really fast on large needles. Darling daughter was also home we watched movies and she got a refresher on knitting her texting mitts. She'll finish those when the guys go hunting and we have another girls weekend.
The sun is shining now but is still chilly out check out the knitting at Judy's On the Needles. Smiling now--Ann--


  1. Wow! You have been busy. Great socks, and I really like the sweater. I would like to make a sweater one day, but in central Florida I don't think we get enough cool days to justify the hours of knitting. Who knows, maybe one day.

  2. Very nice projects. I have sock envy.

  3. Love the socks, my favorite thing to knit. And your sweater looks great: can't believe you matched the stripes so well. Great job.

  4. Productive is the word! Don't you just love a Trekking yarn? I have always enjoyed the subtle colors of it. What pattern did you use for your sweater?

  5. Nice work! All those finishes, too! Love the way you made the sleeves match and such a pretty color. Did you have snow?

  6. Love, love love your socks. The yarns are gorgeous. I can't imagine cutting your yarn to match strips, but you did an excellent job. I would be excited to just knit a sweater! You did good work while the men were gone.


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