Monday, September 15, 2014

design wall Monday

 Sometimes I pin quilts that I am ready to quilt to my design wall and draw imaginary lines in my head on the quilt until I figure out how to quilt it. I did the same scroll as in this click starting in the corner square then into the center of the snail block and out with a simple feather. This turned out to be baby steps to more fru fru on the next snail trail quilt. and this one just called for more fru fru.
 I went into each snail with a long curve then did feathers on the way out then an echo line to get to the next starting point. I could stitch half of each row of blocks in a continuous line then back again. Finish the binding next then dig out fabric for the next quilt. check out everyone's current project at Patchwork Times.--Ann--


  1. I LOVE your header quilt! Is this your own design? Your quilting on your snails is just lovely. I am going to have to add this pattern to my to-do list.

  2. The snails trails quilt is just beautiful; I love everything about it, the colors, the florals, the quilting. It is 100% yummy!


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