Friday, September 26, 2014

On the Needles

A road trip last weekend took me to Minnesota, and I was 15 miles away from home when I remembered the camera, the hardwood trees are just beginning to change color there were a few brilliant red maples and bright orange oaks. The next couple weeks will be full blown color. The ash trees in South Dakota are turning yellow. I found a yarn shop and bought some more yarn. The small balls are for a scarf and mitts for a new boiled wool jacket and darling daughter picked out some sock yarn. The dark blue socks are too dark to knit while I am in the car especially if I am wearing sunglasses. So I worked on the orange pair that were started early last spring and the camouflage. Its nice to have something to work on no matter where I sit. I need to concentrate on one pair so I can move on to more colorful yarn. linking to Judy's OTN --Ann--


  1. Love all your socks, now I won't feel guilty when I have 3 pairs in progress next week. LOL
    Your new yarn is wonderful. Interested to know - what is a boiled wool jacket.

  2. Your yarns are beautiful! And it is nice to have projects for different settings. :) love your socks.

  3. Love your yarn and your socks, especially the orange ones. I haven't found any orange yarn I like but now I will HAVE to go looking.


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