Monday, April 13, 2015

Design Wall Monday

The first 12 log cabin blocks are together.  I had ambitious plans of sewing all weekend while the guys were turkey hunting but DD came home to keep me company so no sewing was accomplished. We sat outside with son's dog and watched her run in circles and retrieve the soccer ball. It was an afternoon well spent we even had a bit of a sunburn on our arms. The sun felt so good after a week of drizzle.  The guys shot 2 tom turkeys one had a longer beard and the other weighed a couple pounds more so don't know who had the best bird. The next round is fan blocks so have lots more sewing to do.  Linking to Judy's Design Wall Monday.  Happy stitching --Ann--


  1. Looks to me like you got a lot done! Very pretty, too.

  2. This is going to be beautiful. The Log Cabin is one of my favorite quilt patterns...if not THE Favorite.


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