Friday, April 10, 2015

on the needles

I was merrily knitting along on the second sleeve of my sweater when I looked at the stitches, I mean really looked at the stitches and they looked smaller than the body of the sweater so I counted my stitches and sure enough my stitches were smaller. So I started another pair of socks to think about the situation.  Why are my stitiches so much smaller??  What was I doing different?? Do I need a glass of wine to knit the sleeves to relax my stitches?  I was knitting in the round using the same needles, why knit flat when I can knit in the round and not have three sweater parts flopping around. Why were my stitches smaller?  I wasn't drinking wine for the body of the sweater.  Knit the toes of the socks and think, think, think. My mind wanders to a sweater pattern I thought about knitting, it was knit flat using 2 different size needles the knit rows used the large needles and the purl rows used the smaller. This puzzled me at the time so when I was looking for yarn for a sweater a year ago I had that pattern and another that I knit instead because it was knit in the round, and asked the lady in the yarn shop.  She said knitters typically purl looser than they knit. That is what I was doing different, no purl rows since I was knitting in the round. She also said she had fixed needle cable needles with a large and small needle. I ripped my sleeve back and went up 2 sized and now the stitches are the same size as the body of the sweater.  The purl stitches in a basket weave pattern would also explain why I always reach for those socks to wear first.  They have more stretch to go over my heal. The bright colors of the sock yarn is such a relief  from these gray days. DD picked out the yarn, the color is tropical fish from Zauberball. Her bday is next week. They might be done in time.  Then I will get back to my sleeves. linking to OTN at Judy's Patchworktimes.--Ann--


  1. Ann, You and were both visited by the knitting devil last week. I had similar size issues too. I love the way your socks are turning out. Gee, my BD is in this month too. Your DD will love those socks.

  2. Hi,
    Your stitches are smaller on your sleeves because they are knit in the round and the sweater is knit flat. I often have to go up a size for the sleeves. Hope this helps

  3. Your sweater is coming together beautifully. I'm glad you figured out the problem for your different size stitches. That sock yarn is wonderful!! Your DD will have some happy feet!

  4. Glad you figured out the sweater. I love the socks. The pattern and colour are fabulous.

  5. I don't know much about sweaters but I really like your socks.

  6. Great socks! Glad you figured out the sleeve mystery but sad you had to frog.


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