Friday, August 21, 2015

On the Needles

 What do I knit when I don't know what to knit?!?  More socks!!!  from left over yarn.  I thought learning some of the stitches used in Aran sweaters would be a prerequisite for knitting an Aran sweater.  (I bet I haven't used the word prerequisite since high school home ec class.... always prerequisites before going to the next step I liked skipping steps but here I am doing it. Don't tell Mrs I. or Mrs. C.)   This is a variation of the honeycomb stitch, my book of stitches called it a wasp nest stitch.  It is kinda fiddly to do on size 0 needles but then if I ever do an Aran sweater it will be easy on big needles.  Maybe. Thats the reasoning anyway.
I needed to clear another little project from my sewing room. Pom poms for all my footies.  The heel stays up better than my store bought footies but not always.  Is it the socks that slide down or the shoes that cause them to slide down or is it my foot?? They stay up in some shoes but not all shoes and its too much work to remember which socks stay up in which shoes so pom poms for all.

Once I got in the groove for starting things I couldn't stop so the sleeve of a sweater is also on the needles the pattern is Sea Salt by Laura Aylor.  All the reviews on ravelry said it was easy and gosh darn it is! I have read the directions 4 or 5 times and reread them as I have knit (don't tell Mrs. I or Mrs. C from home ec class that reading directions helps)This pattern has you knitting the sleeve then the bodice and the other sleeve with no seams. Then you pick up stitches and knit the neckline, then pick up the stitches at the bottom of the bodice and knit the rest.   No seams!!  Linking to Judy's OTN.  --Ann--

1 comment:

  1. WOW, you have a bunch of really pretty projects going. Your wasp stitch socks are great looking. Love the mix of colors in them. I'm also impressed with the sweater. Have not heard of starting with a sleeve and going from there with no set in seams. Sounds fabulous. Will have to keep it in mind if I ever find myself wanting to try a sweater. I'm still doing socks. lol


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