Friday, August 28, 2015

On the Needles

 Progress on the Laura Aylor sweater called Sea Salt. So far so good. I finished the shoulder and on to the sleeve cap with short rows.  No problems no worries.  Hubby decided it was time for a road trip so we went to Lake of the Woods in Northern Minnesota and Canada to look at fishing lodges for a trip next summer.  Its a long drive up there so lots of knitting in the car.  I 29 goes the length of North Dakota from north to south.  North Dakota is flat on the eastern edge, any change on the horizon is due to the federal government piling up some dirt to make a ramp to get on or off the highway.  They grow beans, corn, sugar beets, potatoes and wheat so it is not a very exciting landscape.  After you have seen one field you have seen them all in my opinion.  It rained the whole time we were there too so no pictures of sunsets on the lake or wildflowers.
I finished the sleeve and neckline and started on the lower bodice.  Just follow the directions they are written for a reason.  I got to a point where I needed to do some serious counting so I set the sweater aside for socks.
I love knitting plain socks with opal yarn, the colors are fun, they wash so nice and feel even better.

I was afraid I would lose my cable needle or sit on it and break it in the car so these were left behind.  A couple more rows and I will start the short rows then the slip stitch heel.  Linking to Judy's OTN. --Ann--


  1. Nice projects! That sweater is interesting! Can't wait to see it finished.

  2. I can't wait to see you finished sweater! It's beautiful. And more great socks, as usual.


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