Monday, April 25, 2016

Design Wall Monday

This quilt just sings spring to me. There have been sunny days with wind and rainy days with no wind and a few days in between typical spring weather.  I think I will add 3 inches of border of the pink on the left in the top photo.  The back is going to require some piecing to sew all the pinwheels into the backing. I am still thinking on how best to do that, I could square up each and sew to a horizontal strip or I could sew them all into one vertical strip.  Decisions, decisions......  Linking to Judy's Design Wall Monday.  --Ann--


  1. What an awesome quilt. Love the touch of yellow. This design takes direct attention to put together. )g)

  2. Your borders are perfect! This is such a calm, soothing quilt. It's going to be gorgeous!

  3. So pretty, Ann! It has such a lovely vintage feel to it.


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