Friday, April 22, 2016

On the Needles

I've been sewing more than knitting the last week and not even watching much tv in the evening because sometimes I would rather read, but there is progress on the sweater . The yarn is a 75 cotton and 25 wool blend, the pattern is Antler by Ankestrick.  I have only started this sweater 3 or 4 times in 3 different patterns.  This is the one! I got caught up on the Blossom Street series by Debbie Macomber, She always has some great quotes about knitting at the beginning of some chapters.
Life is too short to knit with ugly yarn.  
You have to knit a couple ugly sweaters before you knit a pretty one. 
 If you don't like it, its just not done yet.
The sun is shining here beckoning me to sit outside and knit and then I look at the thermometer...... cold air is still coming down from the north.  I'll sit by the window instead.  linking to Judy's OTN --Ann--


  1. Your sweater is coming along nicely. Sometimes you just have to give into the call of the book. Happy Reading!

  2. Your sweater looks like one you will get a lot of wear from. And it fits so nicely as well

  3. Great color! I've been spending more time in the yard recently and don't have much to show in the way of knitting.


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