Tuesday, November 15, 2016

November Walk

Another glorious sunny day here in South Dakota,  I have met my 10,000 step goal almost everyday since the beginning of November.  There is an established neighborhood not far from my house that has sidewalks that wander through the neighborhood backyards instead of in front of the houses, in fact there are no sidewalks in front of the houses.  There are 2 places where the sidewalk goes under the street.  Its almost like walking through a park, well there is a park with a playground and a pond and lots of trees and beautifully manicured yards. The serenity of walking a path with grass on both sides and not a narrow strip of grass followed by an asphalt street.  Anyway I walked one of the paths from the other direction I hate to get in a rut and always walk the same route except in the grocery store when it saves time to go the same direction all the time until they rearrange the aisles.  Walking the other direction I saw some beautiful red roses blooming! in November!.  Another day I walked on the streets and saw some snapdragons in bloom! in November! There are a few leaves still clinging to the trees, the carpet of leaves has been raked or more accurately pulverized with a mower and bagged. The photo is from my file because I didn't take my camera along because I prefer to walk without any baggage which is also why I have no interest in taking up golf.  Walking without baggage.  --Ann--

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