Friday, November 18, 2016

On and Off the Needles

The wind came yesterday then rain and the snow late last night. Today my world is white with blowing snow.  I sat in my spot in the sunroom drinking my coffee and knitting and pulled all the blinds open to let in more light and to watch the snow.  The snow swirls differently in town surrounded by buildings than it does on the open prairie where it just blows with nothing to interrupt  its course.  In town the snow comes in whirlwinds when the wind hits a building and flinches back hitting the next incoming gust. The little snow twister spins until a bigger gust pushes it away.  The evergreens are flocked with white as are most of my windows.  I'm wearing my sweater from Iceland today, it feels so good.  I finished another Baa-ble stocking hat and my reading mitts so I started a scarf to match the pattern is Different Breeze.  I will knit until I run out of yarn.  Its a good day to knit.  Linking to Judy's OTN --Ann--


  1. Oh, I am so not ready for snow, but we may have flurries on Sunday. Your hats are just adorable! I love your yarn with your coat. Stay warm!

  2. Those mitts are beautiful and the hats are too cute! I checked out that scarf pattern and I really like it... would make a great gift. Thanks for the idea.

  3. I love your sheepish hats! Thank you for sourcing the pattern on Ravelry. The mitts and scarf look very fine with the teal jacket. Glad that you can stay in and nurse your coffee as the flakes swirl about outdoors.

  4. Love those hats! I have that pattern but haven't done it. Was is difficult? Stay warm!

  5. You're hats turned out so cute -- that pattern is on my want to make list.


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