Tuesday, December 6, 2016

New Project Old project

There hasn't been much going on in my sewing room lately.  The Christmas decorations are up and condensed from past years because this house is lacking in display space.  But it works and didn't take nearly as long to set a tasteful amount of decorations as it did in the past house.  Tasteful is the key word there sometimes less is more.
I need to work on something new.  This stack and whack project has experienced three moves so it is time!!  Everything was bundled together; the cut stack and whack triangles, the background fabric, sashing fabric and even fabric for the backing.  Everything except the book which is no where to be found anywhere.  I can figure this out!  How did our grandmothers quilt!?!  They didn't have all the books we do now.  The background triangle needs to be the same size as the focus fabric plus whatever that measurement is you add to cut the square into 4 so you have straight grain on the outside edge.  Its easier to put the 4 triangles into a square and measure across.  7 and 5/8. Round it up because its easier to trim than try to stretch the blocks to fit so cut 7 3/4 inch squares.  Then sew those triangles together and figure out the short strip.  It needs to be 2 1/2 inches wide and the short side needs to be 4 1/2 inches.  Perfect!!! now to sew the rest of the blocks.
I don't think I have ever made a quilt with this few fabrics which is probably why it has sat for so long.  I have a red fabric to use for sashing, the cardinal fabric will be for borders and the focus fabric for setting triangles.
Our snow is gone again, there is a cold wind blowing from the north its a good day to sew.  --Ann--


  1. I've had some of the fabric with the birds. Not sure there is any left in my stash, but I really like that piece. Your stack and whack is going to be beautiful. Not decorating done here yet, but soon.... I hope!

  2. Your fabric choices are beautiful!


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