Friday, December 2, 2016

Off the needles

A couple finishes this week now all my Christmas socks are done!  And my scarf is finished, the stitch pattern was simple enough but my short term memory was struggling to remember the sequence of the stitches. I was referring to my paper for every row and any little distraction I was looking at it again and again.  Do I yarn over before or after the Knit 2 together???  The knit stitch is always in the yarn over in the even rows, the purl rows but is the purl through the back loop before or after the knit stitch?????  aaarrrghhh finally after about 20 inches I changed my thinking by moving the parenthesis I was able to knit the 4 row sequence without looking at my paper.  I started thinking of the purl through the back loop as back door,  purl side door  and knitting the yarn over became front door.  Back door, side door, front door, back door, side door, front door, back, side, front, try all the doors, back, side, front was easier to remember than ptbl, p1, k1.  Then row 3 became sneak in the back for ktbl,  2 at a time for k2tog, and jump for a yarn over.  Row 4 after the first back door stitch was go around the other way front door, side door and back door. And Row 1 sneak in the back, jump, 2 at a time and sneak in the back, jump, 2 at a time....... The scarf is finished and now I need my winter coat instead of this lightweight between seasons jacket.  Super secret projects on the needles.  --Ann--  linking to Judy's OTN


  1. Your finishes are lovely. I am still a beginner knitter, so I have to keep a pattern right in front of me the entire time.

  2. You cracked me up with your translations for your pattern. I was exhausted after running around to all the doors and jumping so much !!:) I too have trouble remembering sequences too unless I write them down (in big print) and constantly refer to them. Your socks look cute and I love your scarf.

  3. Those socks are wonderful in color and shouldn't show the dirt when one accidentally runs outside for a minute and the scarf is a pretty addition.
    Do you get to keep it?

  4. Fun socks! Interesting how some patterns are hard to remember, but you showed 'em!


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