Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Spring flowers

Another dreary overcast rainy day here on the prairie.  I need color.  I need flowers.  I need something cheerful.  When I was working on the sunbonnet Sue quilt a couple weeks ago I found 2 1/2 inch strips that I had cut for half square triangles for a border for this quilt click.  I have been cutting triangles and got rather bored with that.  I pulled out a book of pastel appliqué and thought I should make an appliqué quilt and use up the rest of these 1990's fabrics.  This was much more fun and so much more cheerful.  The book was so poorly organized that I'm only taking suggestions from the book.  The cutting instructions refer to fabrics by number then the dimensions then it refers to the blocks by letter without referring to the fabric number or size.  There was a nice diagram which could have had letters and number for easy reference but it did not.  The book was not organized the way my brain likes things organized so I closed the book and I'm doing it my way.  Looking at my pile of fabric......I'm barely putting a dent in it.  Maybe I'll separate the blocks with little pieced checker boards and pinwheels, I have plenty of time to figure that out since I am going to buttonhole stitch appliqué cheerful project.  --Ann--

1 comment:

  1. It must be the day for pulling out applique projects. I love your flowers and the whimsy. It is definitely going to be a cheerful quilt!


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