Monday, September 18, 2017

Dog Days

I was going to write a whiney post about summer passing too quickly and then I had my son's dog for a few days. The morning walk was rather pleasant but the late afternoon walk was hot!! I'm ready for cooler days.  She is such a sweetheart and son trained her well.  She won't do the necessary in the short grass so we have to walk until we get away from the neat tidy lawns.  She also knows that at my house she should stay on the hard floor.  Occasionally when I would run downstairs she would be sitting at the top of the stairs on the carpet so I spread out a big terry towel and there she stays.  I miss having a dog except when it is really hot and no wind or hot and really windy, or really cold and windy or snowing sideways, or knee deep in snow, or raining, hmmm that takes care of the majority of days in South Dakota.  I've had my dog fix until the next time the guys go fishing or son goes to a work related meeting.  --Ann-


1 comment:

  1. I miss having a dog. Sigh. Maybe because she was such a perfect dog. I miss her oozing onto the quilt while I sewed the binding.


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