Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Technology and knitting

Darling son gave me another techno device, the kind that will answer questions or do things for me.  He gave me a K.....coffee maker a couple years ago which makes it way to easy to drink way too much coffee.  Many of the things she could do need more technology to make it possible like rewiring the house to make everything wifi compatible.  He tried to set it up before he went fishing with his dad but it required some phone calls to our techno service supplier.  So it sat for the week with me getting used to the idea of something that will play music on command and answer all my daily questions.  Like what are you making for supper?  This link appeared on that social media place that can suck up a lot of anyones time.  I laughed and laughed then dried my eyes and laughed some more.  Darling daughter was home again this time for the Garth Brooks concert which she said was AWSOME.  Hubby and I have tickets for this weekend.  She took care of some techno problems for me like ordering a new screen protector for my phone because it blew off a table and broke then bless her heart she set up the new device, she was on the computer and her phone and my phone because it needed to have an app to make the new device work and our internet service needed more "hertz" to work everything and 2 hours later I can give it my first command.  So I say "A.... would you  finish knitting these socks for me?"  She rattles off the name of a book that tells me how and how much it is and asks me if she should order it!  Needless to say we were all laughing to tears again.  Then I asked her to play some Marty Robbins because he is my all time favorite singer.  He has been gone for 30 some years and I hardly ever hear his songs on the radio.  Then hubby told her not to play so loud twice then told her enough because football was on.  I'm taking her to my sewing room and I may ask her what she think will go with this color and where I should put that block.  About the socks.......the sister of a classmate asked me to knit socks to match or nearly match the Christmas socks she and her siblings had as children.  I put a row of trees in rather than the Santa face because I as always am knitting from the toe up.  The book the device suggested is a toe up book which I already have!! She does know things about me, that's scary.   --Ann--

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