Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Blogger's Quilt Fest

In 2012 a country school classmate asked me to make three queen size quilts for his kids for Christmas.  He asked me in October of that year  I just laughed and laughed like anyone came make 3 queen size quilts in 2 and a half months who has a life and other projects on the table.  He saw my point and I agreed to make them for Christmas the next year.  He liked those quilts so much that he asked me to make another one for him.  This is the 5th quilt I have made of this pattern.  Piecing the log cabin and fan blocks was tedious since I had done it before but when I got to the quilting it sprang to life.  I quilted the rings one at a time but saved the center for last because I wasn't sure what I wanted to do.  After quilting 5 quilts of the same patterns my machine quilting lines became straighter and the fmq in the background more free but also more uniform. Amazing what practice does to ones ability.  If you want to see the other quilts click on log cabins in the side bar and scroll back if you go back far enough you will also see my design process for the piecing and the machine quilting.  --Ann--
Linking to Amy's Creative Side Fall 2017 Blogger's Quilt Fest.


  1. This is a gorgeous quilt and the custom quilting that you did is incredible! Thanks for sharing all of your process and your art. I am always inspired when I read your blog.

  2. So lovely! I do like those big hooked feathers you quilted, very unusual and they give a wonderful texture.

  3. Great combination of curves and straight lines. I can see why you keep coming back to this pattern.

  4. Gorgeous, Ann! I love the design and your quilting just makes it sing.

  5. This quilt is very effective! I love the way that the pattern shows through clearly against the cream background.

  6. Not only are you a creative quilter, you are also kind. I don't know if I could have made a quilt once, but five times. This is a big Wow in my books.

  7. The log cabin and fan blocks are a beautiful combination. Love this!

  8. Such a pretty quilt - and lovely quilting, too!

  9. This is an amazing quilt! Loved reading the story. The fabrics and quilting are perfect for the pattern.

  10. FIVE of the same quilt? I think we need to recommend you for sainthood!!! LOL

  11. Beautiful fans and feathers. I can understand how the piecing would become tedious by the fifth quilt! Yay you for keeping going :)

  12. So much goodness in just one quilt - it is scrappy, it has log cabins and dresdens too. Yet, they are all so harmoniously combined to make a fabulous quilt.


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