Thursday, September 21, 2017

New quilt on the design wall

 I was tired of cutting strips so I looked at what I had cut and thought this pile will be a blue and yellow quilt with white.  Cut triangles, sew strips and cut segments then sew, sew, sew.  Put things on the wall, step back and look.......scatter the yellow 4 patches throughout the quilt and look some more.  Looking at the segments in the blocks is like playing a game of solitaire, I look for things out of place then put them in order.  I want my 4 patches in rows and I don't want matching fabric touching and I want the yellows evenly distributed.  The new device is no help at all in the sewing room all she says is "I'm not sure" then I asked her to play some music and she was happy.  --Ann--


  1. I love blue and yellow quilts! This design is going to be gorgeous. The yellow 4 patches really bring a lot of light into the design. Beautiful!

  2. I love the blue and yellow together. I think your design is coming along nicely. I'll be back to see more!


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