Monday, November 27, 2017

tri rec stars and robo vac

 All the trip rec stars are cut and paired next to sew.  I like this low tech stuff, putting pieces on my design wall and moving them around then sewing.
I recently got one of those robotic vacuums that goes all by itself.  DD set it up for me while she was home because it needed an app and some other stuff that makes no sense to me.  Today I thought I would find out what it could do.  Oh I had to give it a name so I named it Sammi for my little shih tzu who had been gone for 7 years now.  There were never any crumbs on the floor when she was alive.  We will see if robo Sammi is as good as the original.  I pushed the button to start it up then I decided to  pick up and move chairs so it could do a thorough job,  I didn't get a couple things moved before it bumped into them so on its next sweep it went around the object that was no longer there and took a couple more sweeps before it got the job done.  It did the kitchen and part of the sun room then went into the living room it did part of the carpet then went back and finished the sun room then its battery was getting low so it wanted to go to its charger but I had put the chairs back so it couldn't find its way.  I finally carried it. Not unlike Sammi the dog.  She made 6 moves with us and each time the door opened opposite to the previous house so she would sit at the hinge side of the door waiting for it to open.  About the time she relearned the door thing we would move again and had to learn it all again.  I recharged it then took it to the bedroom pushed the button and walked out the door.  I found out it can be lazy.  It worked for a few minutes then said it was done so I moved it and pushed the button again, it worked for a few minutes and sent me a message that it was done again.  It didn't clean the whole room.   Its really only as smart as the operator.  If I had read all the instructions and watched the videos............I had it set to do a spot clean which is about a 5 x 7 foot area.  I needed to set it to house.  I'm sure I confused it because I was pushing the app on the phone which I had to carry around the house all day I was also pushing the button on the vacuum. Push once, push twice, hold down or slide and tap.  After moving the furniture I had to dust so much for me having fun while it worked.  I was impressed with the amount of dirt and dog hair it picked up and DS's dog was only in the house for a little while but she's a lab and they shed no matter what time of year it is. It can clean the rest of the house tomorrow with a fresh charge  since I know better how to make it work and I will go to my sewing room for some low tech fun.  --Ann--


  1. The gadgets and appliances are so complex today. The robo vacuum is a pretty cool idea. It’s nice that you can push a button and then go sew! Your stars are looking great!

  2. I had to laugh while reading this post. I can only imagine the learning curve on this one. In the time it would take me to figure out a robot vacuum I could have the house cleaned and dusted ten times over! Nice tri-rec blocks!

  3. I had wondered about the robo vacuum...interesting to hear an actual user's comment.

    I wouldn't mind having those stars to sew together.


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