Monday, December 4, 2017

adding the courthouse steps

It was a busy week last week.  Christmas decorations came out in spite of the unseasonably warm weather.  Sometimes you just have to enjoy the weather and go for a long walk because one of these days it will be cold and windy and probably snowy like later today and the rest of December.  I sewed a few courthouse steps to go between the tri rec stars.  I'm not a matchy matchy quilter so the dark strips will be a combination of green and red strips and if they happen to fall beside a red or green background star so be it.  I thought I would go with dark on three sides for the outside round of blocks for the impression of a border.   This week I should mix up cookies and sew a few more blocks.  Don't forget to enjoy the Christmas season.  --Ann--  Linking to Em's Scrapbag


  1. The courthouse steps look great with the star blocks. I agree with you... the fabrics sometimes have to just stay where they land. Too much fussing can drive me crazy.

  2. This setting is always so appealing to me. I love how it makes the stars pop, and at the same time has the courthouse steps to accentuate them. Your colors are great, too.

  3. i love love love christmas-y rustic....

  4. Such a wonderful Christmas quilt. I'm not a matchy matchy quilter either so I'm drawn to the mix of fabrics so much. Just love it.

  5. Like your stars and courthouse steps. This is going to be a wonderful quilt.


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