Wednesday, December 6, 2017

further adventures of Sammi the robo vac

I finished decorating the house earlier this week and put all the boxes back in the closet then noticed all the artificial pine needles on the carpet so rather than drag the upright vacuum downstairs I took Sammi the robo vac.  I picked up all the little stuff from the floor like baskets and electrical cords then pushed the button and let Sammi get to work and I went to my sewing room.  Sammi was doing great then I got a message that said she was stuck.  I find her under a chair, when she cleans under chairs she makes a circle around the leg then makes a bigger circle and bumped the other leg so she stopped. I don't know why she couldn't reverse and get herself out but that's how she does it, circle each leg twice and then move on.  She got stuck 4 times in about 45 minutes then she went into the bedroom closet and said she was done and wanted to go to her charging dock.  The family room looked great with little tracks everywhere. She got lazy with the bedroom, did she think I wouldn't notice that she didn't clean the north side of the bed just because I can't see it from the door!?? I got the button pushing figured out once for house and twice for spot cleaning.  I sewed 7 more tri rec stars.  Now I need a drone that dusts!  --Ann--


  1. If you find a drone that dusts, please let me know! And since we are asking... I'll take one that puts clothes away, too. :D

  2. Sign me up too! My hubbie wants one of those robo vacs....I think we would kill it quickly or give our cat a heart attack.


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