Monday, January 8, 2018

Design Wall

It was nice to start the new year with a clean design wall and clear surfaces in the sewing room but the basket with this fabric was still sitting there so I cut the leftover 3 inch strips into tri rec stars most are miss matched then I had to cut a few more 3 inch strips for background pieces which are also mostly miss matched.  Its been a tedious job because I am bored with the fabrics and colors. Its time to take down the Christmas tree and put away the decorations.  I need to make sewing the courthouse steps a reward for putting things away but I'm not excited about the project anymore.  I want to work on some other color palette but I know if I put it away it will end up in the dead project box.  The reward will be starting something new when this is sewn together.  Like practicing the piano when I was a kid just get it done so I can do something else.  We still have snow here but yesterday was above freezing as in 34 degrees F.  That was a treat I even went for a walk with my snow boots because some people just don't shovel their sidewalks very well and it was slushy in the street.  A couple more days of warm temps then back to the deep freeze here on the prairie.  --Ann--  linking to Em's Scrapbag


  1. liking those stars a whole lot.....very nice!

  2. How nice to have a design wall! And you have something very pretty on it, too.


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