Monday, January 15, 2018

quilt blocks

 January is always catch up month, finishing projects and putting away the Christmas decorations.  If I had my way the tree would be redecorated with snowmen and then hearts and I wouldn't take it down until the end of February.  I like the lights when the winter gets long and bleak.  It took me all week to take things down and arrange the puzzle of boxes in the storage closet.   The Santas on the fireplace ledge were replaced with the snowmen.  There were a few days last week when the temps were in the mid to upper 30's so I left my mess and went for a walk, fresh air that didn't hurt my face.  Then its back to real winter with cold, fresh snow and temps below 0 again and wind.  Its a great day to sew.  I finished sewing the courthouse step blocks now to trim.
Hope you are staying warm and dry.
Linking to Em's Scrapbag


  1. I really like the combination of those stars with the courthouse step blocks. Is this a pattern or did you make it up yourself? What size are the blocks? It's going to be a beautiful quilt.

  2. Nice work on the quilt! It's going to be a beauty.

  3. Your quilt is beautiful and perfect for Christmas -- by the way, several of my friends leave their trees up and decorate for Mardi Gras Season.

  4. Great quilt in the making! Your snowmen are adorable, too. I’m with you about liking lights or candles to light the long winter nights.

  5. This is a gorgeous quilt! I love the colors you've used together (one of my favorite combinations) and the way you've arranged them.


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