Wednesday, June 20, 2018

ta da da done #3

 It seems it is either miserably hot outside or overcast and rainy. Everywhere is green again.  Sew to the sewing room instead of running around.  I can get a lot done when I stay home in my sewing room. After considering lots of possibilities I did a free motion feather in the border.  It just wasn't wide enough for a baptist fan like I did on a similar quilt a couple years ago click.   Those fabrics are so cheerful on another gloomy day.  --Ann--


  1. You are right... this is a very cheerful quilt. It's so calming, too. Hope you get some nice days soon.

  2. Isn't it amazing how much we can get done when there is a nice bit of uninterrupted time to do it in? Your quilt looks lovely.


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