Monday, March 14, 2022

All the little birds


All the little birds going tweet tweet tweet.

It was cold the other morning as in single digit temps but it warmed up and by the time I went for a walk it was cooling down again. The sun felt so good on my face and then I turned the corner, the wind canceled out any warmth but I kept on walking.  I did have on my old heavy denim jeans turn the corner again and it wasn’t so cold.  A couple days later the temps were in the mid 40's and all the little birds were singing their happy songs.  Winter will soon be a distant memory.  --Ann--


  1. Love your bird photos! We don't have cardinals here, but I sure wish we did. Is that big pine tree in your yard?

  2. Spring is on its way! The trees here are beginning to show signs of leafing out and I am so ready.

  3. Thanks for your comment! Do you have a Monkey Tree snuggled in beside that pine tree? We see them on our walks occasionally, and I think I have a photo of at least one of them on my blog.


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