Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Another one done

The second quilt of 2022 completed yippee. Just a few distractions during the process first a tipped over a glass of water on all three tables in my sewing room.  They butt up against each other and were covered with my mass of plaids so quick grab some towels to mop up the puddles then spread out all those fabrics to dry. The next day I fold all those plaids into two neat stacks. Believe it or not they were shorter than when I brought them out of the stash last fall. I'm just glad it was water.  Glance at the pile while I stitch on the poppies hmmm put back in the closet or continue cutting the plaids hmmm. Put them away until next fall! Next what to use for the binding. Go dig in the stacks of plaids, there were two pieces of the black stripe….do the math for how much I need. Start cutting, oooops remember to late to draw a chalk line around the perimeter because a woven stripe has no distinction between the front and back of the fabric. Sew the seams the press…right side, right side wrong side.  Don’t you just hate it when your seams are on the wrong side of the bias tape. I never make that mistake if I mark the fabric with chalk.  Make a quick trip to the grocery store ha! They are doing a complete reset of the store.  Who Moved the Cheese I want to scream as I'm looking for soup crackers (reference to a book dealing with change from 20 years ago). Then there is basketball.....our Jackrabbits won the Summit championship! My problems are so insignificant in the great scheme  of things but loving the finished poppy quilt.  —Ann—


  1. I love this quilt!! Great finish! I’ve never heard of the chalk truck, but it’s a good one. My basketball team plays the first game in our tournament on Friday. I love this time of year!

  2. I love this quilt! I love every single thing about it. Please say, what size is it?


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