Friday, August 5, 2022



I had all these squares on the wall before the little trip with DD then when I glanced at it when I got home I really did not like the darkest blue (large 9 patch in the top row) so I switched it out for a lighter set of four squares and I like it much better.  Last week the temps were cool enough to open the windows what a glorious feeling to have fresh air moving through the house and to be able to sit outside or walk without dripping in sweat. Needless to say not much happened in the sewing room then but normal hot temps have returned with productive time in the sewing room. --Ann--


  1. This is SEW sweet, I love seeing your creative process at work. :)

  2. Your adjustment of the blue fabrics was a good move. This is such a pretty collection of fabric scraps!

  3. What a beautiful quilt. I love the soft, muted palette, and also how the small white blocks in the 9-patches create strong diagonals across the quilt.


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