Monday, August 8, 2022

Small finish


I finished these shortie socks, they felt so good in my hiking boots. The yarn is Universal bamboo pop sock it is so squishy soft and stretchy ( left over from my sweater) and only had about a yard of yarn left from the socks! It is bamboo, cotton and pbt which is a stretchy polyester similar to lycra. Some cotton yarns feel hard on the bottom of my feet because the cotton fiber doesn’t have a lot of stretch. These feel good! I’m definitely ordering more of that yarn.—Ann—


  1. Pretty socks! Do you have a favorite shortie pattern?

  2. These socks are so pretty. I have the same question that Judy did... do you have a favorite pattern for short socks? I've not made any of those. (my new email address is rsneifeld11 (at) gmail dot com.


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