Monday, July 15, 2024

So far it’s been a no sew summer

 It’s been a no sew summer for me at least since I finished quilting the last baby quilts. I need to stay home for a couple weeks to start a new quilt, I look at my books and choose some fabric and then we go again when we come home I look at my mess and am not inspired so I clear the table and start again……this has been happening for weeks. My fabric stash and ideas can wait the little girls will only be 3 for a few more months then they will be 4.  And off we go again.  What do I do on those 4 hour drives coming or going? Knit socks!! Unless of course I am driving. The roads are long and straight in South Dakota. These are socks since June and I’m using up the wee bits of leftover yarn.  Savoring the moments—Ann—

Friday, July 12, 2024

Drama in the sky

Sometimes the drama in the sky is better than what is on the television.  The top two pictures are the full moon rising at 11:30 ish. Then there are the rain clouds in all directions and sometimes a rainbow. —Ann—

Monday, June 17, 2024

Friendship stars

 I machine quilted this for a girlfriend, her first quilt!  I let her use fabrics from my stash, my sewing machine and design wall.  We had fun!  And hardly a dent in the fabric stash.  The baby got the quilt over the weekend, she is now 4 month old her little eyes will have lots too look at, bold bright colors and little black and white motifs. Make tummy time a happy time. I just love looking at these bright colors. She is going to have to make another quilt from my stash sometime. Quilting with friends is the best time. —Ann—

Friday, June 14, 2024

Ta da da da da done


Finished and ready to go to the post office.  The baby is 4 months old already. What have I been doing??  Not much blog worthy. —Ann—

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Just one hour


Ok two hours the first hour… the iris garden dead heading they are still stunning ! And the one hour in the sewing room….that’s all it took to machine quilt all the blocks.  That wonderful feeling of accomplishing something! Hubby has been gone fishing and I haven’t checked many things off my list, so far it has just been the little details of life “don’t forget to do this” “make that appointment” etc. no real accomplishments until my one hour in the sewing room.  Tomorrow I will stitch the borders and the binding. That one hour in the sewing room was like pushing the ‘reset’ in my head. What can you get done in an hour?  —Ann—

Saturday, June 8, 2024

It’s summertime


A perfect summer morning—Ann—

The watercolor was done with an app 

Friday, June 7, 2024


The iris are blooming at McCrorey gardens at SDSU in Brookings. I help weed them once a week for one hour. It’s amazing how many weeds 8 to 12 women can pull in an hour. The blooms are bigger and more numerous than last year. They got rain and sunshine at the perfect time this year.  They were glorious before the wind today. —Ann—